Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Unplugged

Let us have a summer with more family time and less technology time. The first step is to set 2-3 days out of the week where the family spends time together without texting, television, computer, tablets, Facebook, gaming devices, and only use the phone for emergency phone calls. 
Now let’s figure out some fun family activities that can be done, and enjoyable. I asked a few people what their favorite things to do as a family, for the most part, they are cheap, and here they are:

• Game night – play cards, board games, any game to get all the family involved
• Library trips
• Park, to play ball, or whatever for the age group
• Zoos
• Camping/fishing
• Bike rides
• Lake/ocean/pool/ 
• Bowling
• Crafts
• Hikes/nature walks

Whether your family is the outdoors type of people, or the inside type, there is something for all of you to do. Family time seems to be disappearing as technology keeps developing. Lets take a stand and put away those gadgets for a few hours or be really brave and make a whole day. Even taking a drive is nice.
There was a time my husband, my daughter, and I went to a car show that was a couple hours away, just to get out of the house. I left my phone at home, but I had the best time. I have not had that much time in a long time. Now from now on, I leave my phone in the car most times, because we have more fun without the temptation of checking Facebook, and we actually spend more time with our daughter when we turn everything off and put it away.

So now it’s your turn to turn off the technology, put those phones away, and have family time.

~ Jennifer

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